Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Once week closer............

Hello from home

I look at the photographs of my time in Ecuador with a smile still
plastered on my face, and look at all the goodies I brought home with me
with such good feelings and memories.

Am I happy to be home? Yes! It feels good and yet I look at my home,
all my 'things', and wonder who really is more fortunate - me or them.
The people of SInchi Warmi have a beautiful family and a much simpler
way of life in many ways. I see how many things I have to be grateful
for and I am, but I long to go back to where the only sound at night is
the croaking of the frogs, where the moisture almost drips from
everything, where even a trip to the bathroom is something to be thought
through first and the kids are so much free-er than they are here.

I have 7000 photographs to take me back there, to remind me, and now
with only about 20 bites that have still not fully healed and still
itch, I know that I am one week closer to going back again. And I can't

As promised, some of my photos are online now. Go to
http://www.picsbyannie.com - the top 4 folders are those of my time in
Ecuador. I also have them posted on my facebook page if that is easier
for those that have facebook.

This trip changed something in me, opened my world and my soul and I
will always be so incredibly grateful that I was able to go and for
every single experience along the way.

Till next time.......

Love and light


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