Thursday, November 8, 2012

Back to the Jungle!

And so I find myself packing again.....  and it feels SO right!

What an adventure this is going to be.  I want to grow, to go outside my comfort zone, to experience new things separate from what I already know and am comfortable with, to learn a new language, meet new people and hopefully find a deeper purpose in my life.

It starts with much planning and packing, many thoughts on what to take along with me to donate to the Communities I will be visiting.  I found a wonderful site,, that has helped me decide what will be of more use to the people living along the Napo River in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

So many have shown an interest in contributing to these communities and I will have to start fundraising to cover the cost of taking multiple suitcases down there :)

In planning this trip, the organization, Yanapuma, has been absolutely fantastic in helping me with all my planning, fears and endless questions.  Thanks particularly to Emily B who has put me totally at ease and given me the extra confidence to do this.

After three connecting flights and high hopes for no delays and not getting lost, I get one free day in Quito before heading out to Yachana Lodge on the edges.  Gustavo, from, a tour guide from my previous time in Quito, will meet me at the airport and take me to what looks like a really sweet hotel.  

Then its off to the Jungle where a part of my heart has been for a good few years now, with my Spanish Teacher.  Yachana Lodge looks amazing.  

"Yachana Foundation's mission is to continue to achieve sustainability through education and conservation. Every organizational initiative and decision we make are based on this goal.  
Our vision as a world leader in Geotourism is to create ongoing community development and economic opportunities, to provide training and education that inspires and transforms individuals into leaders and efficient  administrators of natural resources, and to give viable economic and sustainable alternatives to the people who call the Amazon Rainforest their home."

Here is more information on the Yachana Foundation:

I will spend a week at the Yachana Lodge, learning Spanish with my teacher, exploring the jungle, villages, beautiful places and also exploring opportunities to be of help in any way I can.

The weekend will be spent on my own in Tena, a smallish town along the Napo River.  I will be without my teacher for the weekend, and hope to do some tours from there or hang out with others I have met at Yachana Lodge.

Week two will be spent at Sinchi Aqua.......  "Sinchi Aqua is a project run by a group of Kichwa women of the Amazon region, near the village of San Pablo, which itself is close to the village of Misahualli in the province of Napo. They have developed a visitor center with accommodation for overnight guests, and are engaged in crafts activities as well as farming and horticulture. Studying Spanish at Sinchi Aqua offers a great way to connect with the Kicwha culture and experience their relationship to the environment of the Amazon, while supporting a very worthwhile iniciative by the group of women."

It's here that most of the goodies that have been given to me to take along, will be delivered. 

After this second week of Spanish lessons, jungle exploring and helping out in the community, as well as being almost submerged in Spanish-only speaking, I should be able to put at least one or two sentences together in Spanish!  I hope.....  Right now I know how to ask for a beer, ask where the bathroom is, say hello, thank you and goodbye and very little else.  Hopefully my brain can absorb a lot more than this!  

And then its back to Quito.  Here I will meet up with Tavo again and hope to get to see some of the places around Quito that I did not get to see last time and to learn more about the beautiful country of Ecuador.

I have a feeling that this really is a great step in the right direction for my life.  It's time to give back to the world, time to make a difference outside of myself and those closest to me.  It's time to step way out of my comfort zone and maybe even eat a bug or three while I am doing all this.  

Maybe, just maybe, I can help make a difference in a very positive way, to contribute to the enrichment of someone, someplace and hopefully that ripple will extend far enough to make a difference in the world in some way.

This is going to be an incredible adventure and I am so glad to have you all along with me again.

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